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"may your choices reflect your hopes not your fears"

nelson mandela

You’re the kind of entrepreneur that wants to make more than money… You want to make an impact too.

You care about lots of things including your community, the environment, education, animals, kids and empowering others. Punching the clock for a paycheck left you craving more. But building and growing this business has been much more challenging than you expected.

While your heart is in the right place, your mind and thoughts aren’t always on your side......

Too often I see passionate entrepreneurs like you get overwhelmed, stuck and struggle to earn before they really get going. 

You’re holding yourself back by:

  • procrastinating and perfecting things 100% before taking action
  • constantly second guessing yourself
  • worrying about all the what if’s
  • thoughts and beliefs that limit your actions
  • money stuff
  • playing small

You read tons of books, watch YouTube videos, listen to podcasts and take business course after course, but months go by and you still haven’t reached your business goals.

I understand how frustrating it is to want to make a difference in the world while navigating the first few years of running a new business.

I struggled to make progress while beating myself up with negative thoughts like wondering if I could really do this. I tried to get my work done by pushing through and got some results, but nothing close to my goals. 

I knew there had to be a better way. I worked with coaches and change happened for me on two levels. I became more self aware and allowed myself to embrace who I was. I also worked on challenging and changing the beliefs that held me back at a deep subconscious level. The impact was transformational and my business has been steadily growing ever since.

And that’s what I want to help you do too. 

I want to help you get your work done, get you and your products/services out there, make money and make a huge impact on the world for the better.


Together we will work to:

  • Put BEHIND you the constant doubt, comparing, procrastination and perfecting.
  • Breakthrough your money blocks
  • Work more in your strengths so you can thrive
  • Get clarity on your next steps
  • Increase your energy
  • Take consistent action
  • Get ORGANISED, stay FOCUSED and get your work DONE
  • Gain the CONFIDENCE be visible and go for new opportunities
  • Move forward with less stress & more ease
  • Grow your business and increase your income

I worked as an qualified accountant for over 15 years helping organisations grow and achieve profitability. I didn’t hate my job, but I didn’t love it either. I was good at my job, but the pressure, unrealistic expectations and long hours were taking a toll.

During a standard 65 hour week, I woke up in the middle of the night worrying about a project due the next day. In the quiet darkness of that moment, I realised this wasn’t the life I wanted.

I was so burned out I could hardly think straight, I wasn’t looking after myself, I was tired but couldn’t sleep properly, I had no life, and (most important of all) I felt like I wasn’t helping anyone. 

After deeply examining what I wanted (with a coach), I realised the best part of my day was the business transformation side of my work and coaching and mentoring my team.

Plus I had been attending events and training around facilitating change, motivating others and gaining clarity for years just for fun. (Yep, I know...for fun!!)


I became a Certified Transformational Coach (accredited by ICF, AFC) and Master NLP Practitioner (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) with addition training in Positive Psychology, Enneagram and Group Coaching.

I use my business and finance (Association of Certified Chartered Accountants) background with these tools and a range of exercises to help passionate entrepreneurs like you build and grow a fulfilling profitable business.


I became a Certified Transformational Coach (accredited by ICF, AFC) and Master NLP Practitioner (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) with addition training in positive psychology.

I use my business and finance background with these tools and a range of exercises to help passionate entrepreneurs like you build and grow your business.

These days you won’t find this recovering perfectionist at the office late at night.......

Instead, look for me out at a comedy show, theatre or concert with friends. 

You may even catch me at home in front of my sewing table whipping up a new skirt or dress.

However, I’ll gladly set it aside to join you in exploring a new city, boutique or new restaurant.

The world will be a better place the more successful you are in your business. I’d love to help you reach your business goals. 

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